Fire Alarm Inspections
- Sales, design, installation and service
- Addressable and conventional
- Voice communications
- All makes and models
- Repairs and maintenance
- Project management
- Fire safety plans
- Fire Drills

Fire Pump Testing
- Annual flow tests
- Run tests – all makes & models
- Repairs

Fire Extinguisher Inspections
- ABC, CO2, Wet Chemical and specialty extinguishers
- 2 1/2 lb to 20 lb extinguishers
- Cabinets for 5,10, and 20 lb extinguishers
- Sales and service
- Fire extinguisher training
Dry Sprinkler Valve Inspection
- Annual testing
- Flow testing
- System flushing
- Repairs

Backflow Testing
- Testing and report filing
- New construction & repairs
- Confined space testing
- Aerial testing